Sonlight Youth Choir programs welcome all youth in 6th-12th grades are directed by Mark Green and Glenn Eernisse. Our mission is to embrace everyone through music and sharing the light of God’s love and salvation given to us through His son.
We aim to:
Experience God’s love through song
Offer acceptance to each other as a family
Encourage each other and develop our gifts
Support and strengthen each other through challenges
Offer hope and joy to others through music

Rehearsal Information
Sonlight Youth Choir
Directed by Glenn Eernisse
All youth in grades 6th-12th are welcome to join us on Sunday evenings from 4:50-6:00 p.m. Rehearsal is in the Sonlight Choir Room (Second Floor, Main Building).
Sonlight Ringers
Directed by Glenn Eernisse
Sonlight Ringers is open to all youth, grades 6-12. Rehearsal is weekly on Sundays from 4:00-4:45 p.m. in the Handbell Room (First Floor, Main Building).
Student Orchestra
Directed by Gretchen Welch
We rehearse weekly on Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. in the Orchestra Room (First Floor, Main Building).

If you have any questions regarding the Sonlight Youth Choir program, please contact one of the following people:
Glenn Eernisse
Kayanne Smith, Music Administrative Assistant