Jesus had compassion for others and we are to have compassion as well (Matthew 25:34-40).
At First Baptist Church, we sincerely want to reach out to people who are hurting and in need — not only through our mission programs but also through one-on-one ministries, where we can help and support individuals.
If you are in a season of difficulty, we are prepared to meet you in that experience and accompany you through difficult times. You can expect privacy, confidentiality, and safe, respectful support. When appropriate we will refer you to one of our counseling partners, who are specially equipped for your specific needs. To schedule time with our Pastoral Care Pastor or one of our ministers, contact Ron Grizzle at 770-534-7354.

Pastoral Care Ministries
Hospital & Homebound Visitation
Our purpose is to show love and care to individuals who are in our local hospitals, nursing care facilities or at home recovering. You can bless someone’s life by simply calling, visiting and spending time with them at a local hospital or being part of the Cards of Caring team. Team members visit those who are lonely, hurting or in any kind of need to offer prayer and encouragement and show compassion through Jesus Christ. To be part of this care team, please contact Ron Grizzle at 770-534-7354.
GriefShare Group
Our GriefShare group meets weekly on Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m. offering encouragement to those dealing with loss. GriefShare is a faith-based support group and features biblical teaching on grief and recovery topics. This group is sponsored by people who understand what you are experiencing and want to offer comfort and encouragement during difficult times. For more information on this group, e-mail David Gaddy at davidlgaddy@gmail.com. Click HERE to see the GriefShare class schedule and sign-ups.
Ministry of Caring
The Ministry of Caring helps those in our community who are in need of basic resources and assistance. This ministry meets daily with people to help provide funds for food, medicine, utilities and clothing. For more information, contact Charles Phelps at charles.phelps@fbcgainesville.org or call 770-534-7354.
Cancer Care Ministry
Are you living with a cancer diagnosis? Our heart is to serve, comfort and encourage men, women and families fighting cancer with practical support and spiritual care. Cancer Care Ministry is a hope ministry. While it involves prayer, counsel, visits and assistance, it is centered on bringing God’s hope to patients and their caregivers, family and friends. This requires an understanding of the impact of cancer, how people react to it and how God has called His people to respond. Above all, it requires us to have, within ourselves, an unfeigned hope that we can take to those in need. Care care ministry requires unique insights, both into the disease and into God’s Word. The purpose of Our Journey of Hope is to equip you with these insights and to help you cultivate and carry the hope for which so many are longing. To learn more, contact Jan Hensley by phone at 678-316-7641 or email at janhensley22@gmail.com or Walt Swift by phone at 678-588-1460 or email at walterandpam@yahoo.com
Stephen Ministry
The Stephen Ministry is a confidential program of our congregation that equips lay persons to provide distinctively Christian, one-on-one care and visitation to those who are experiencing all kinds of life challenges and could benefit from the support of a caring, Christian friend. Stephen Ministers provide emotional and spiritual care to those faced with the loss of a loved one, hospitalization and recovery, divorce or separation, job crisis or unemployment, birth, adoption, miscarriage or infertility, or chronic and terminal illness. Stephen Ministers go through a formal training and screening program, having served for at least two years and receive continuing education and skill-building throughout their years of service. To learn more about becoming a Stephen Minister, e-mail Bob Page at bobpage860@charter.net or Kay Bell at kaybell549@gmail.com. Click Here for more information.