Activities and Events

Sonlight Choir


Sunday School

Each Sunday during the school year and the summer, youth, grades 6-12, are invited to come to the youth area for Sunday School. Once a month there will be a large breakfast served right before our study begins. On the other Sundays, there will be a small snack provided. Our study usually consists of a various Bible Study. This past year, both middle school and high school students worked through the major stories of the old and the new testaments in a study through Spark House Publisher. We try to present stories in new and exciting ways. We split the students up by grades to give the youth smaller groups to have more in-depth conversations. Our Sunday School classes are taught by adult volunteers, both parents of youth and non-parents.

9:45 a.m.
All youth meet for breakfast and hangout

10 a.m.
All youth meet to cover upcoming opportunities, prayer concerns, group activity or game that connects our lessons and an intro to the lesson

10:20 a.m.
Breakout groups by grades for reflection and discussion

Sonlight Choir

Youth are encouraged to participate in Sonlight Youth Choir as part of their spiritual journey. Choir practice is weekly on Sunday events.

Sonlight Choir Schedule

Wednesday Nights

During the school year, youth meet on Wednesday nights from 5:15-6:15 p.m. for hangout and supper. From 6:15-7:15 p.m., worship, small groups, games, service and more takes place. We gather to share what God is doing in our lives, to learn from and support one another and to pray for each other. Wednesdays are a chance to have a solid support group of friends who become family. It is a place where everyone knows your name and is excited to see you!

5-6 p.m.
Hangout, dinner, homework, and open gym

6-7:15 p.m.
Worship, small groups, and games

FBC Youth Schedule

Fall 2021

Aug 15
Blessing of the Students
Aug 22
Aug 25
Wednesday nights start back!
Sept 19
Open GYM FLC 3-5pm
Sept 26
Sondown Family Kickball
Sept 29
Wednesday All Church fun Night
Oct 17
Open Gym FLC 2-4pm
Oct 27
Trunk or Treat
Oct 29-31
Fall Retreat
Nov 14
Open Gym FLC 2-4pm
Nov 28
Sondown – Deck the Halls 6-7:30pm
Dec 17-18
Christmas Party

Spring 2022

Jan 9
Annual Donut Day of Fun in Sunday School
Jan 28-29
Rock the Universe
Feb 13
Youth Sunday
March 1
Pancake Tuesday
March 2
Ash Wednesday Service
April 2-9
Spring Break Bahamas Mission Trip
April 17
April 27
Last Regular Wednesday (Senior Hand Print)
April 29-May 1
Middle School Retreat
May 4,11
Dinner & Devotions 5:15-7pm
May 15
High School Seniors Graduation Sunday

Tentative Summer Schedule 2022

June 1-5
Mystery Trip
June 20-25
Passport Camps
July 11-15
Connect Camp