Adult Sunday School

Creating a sense of community and connecting with others is important to grow in your faith, by learning together, worshiping together and serving together. We are not called to worship God in solidarity but in community, as part of a family. These large and small gatherings are where people meet to grow in intimacy with God, develop authentic friendships, and experience life change with others.

Sunday Morning Communities

We need each other for encouragement, growth and accountability. Each Sunday morning study groups gather from 9:45-10:45 a.m. to learn, fellowship, serve and explore their faith together. We hope you will join us for one of the following classes.

View Map with Sunday School Class Locations

Young Adults and Parents

The Gathering
Meets in the Family Life Center Gathering Room, couples and singles with pre-school to college aged children

Class Format: Discussion-oriented Bible and Topical Studies

Purpose: We seek to grow as parents and partners in our journey of faith. Studies vary and are geared toward strengthening our relationships and our faith.  For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. – Matthew 18:20


Meets in room B16, men, all ages

Class Format: Hymn singing followed by a lesson led by a rotating schedule of excellent teachers

Purpose: A class for men who love the Lord, the church, and each other. Regardless of age, we feel that we can continue to grow in our walk with the Lord by encouraging each other and assisting in the ministry of the church in a variety of ways.


Meets in room 231, women 60s and up

Class Format: Teacher-directed Bible studies with discussion.

Purpose: We are a class that loves our neighbors, and loves our Lord. We hold monthly luncheons and socials throughout the year and give to a number of mission projects and outreach organizations. We are always ready to help.

Meets in room 233, women 60s and up

Class Format: Teacher-directed Bible study with discussion.

Purpose: We exist to bring honor and glory to God corporately and individually through daily Bible study, prayer, and service to others in His Holy Name. We have socials and do many mission projects and Bible studies. We are always ready to serve others in His name.

Meets in room 115, women of all ages

Class Format: Teacher-directed Bible study with discussion

Purpose: We win some for the Lord! We support missions and care for our class members.

Co-ed Adults

Meets in room 202, couples and singles, parents with high school and college age children, empty nesters

Class Format: Teacher-rotation-and-directed Bible study with discussion

Purpose: Our class fellowships together, prays together, ministers to one another, and learn from the scriptures each week. We gather for quarterly socials, quarterly breakfasts, etc.

Meets in room 234/235, all adults (couples, singles)

Class Format: Teacher-directed Bible study with discussion

Purpose: To grow in our knowledge and understanding of God’s word and to actively serve our church and community by giving our time and talents. The Oasis motto is: “Come not to be served, but to serve.” Mark 10:45

Grace Fellowship
Meets in room 203, couples and singles 60s and up

Class Format: Teacher-directed Bible studies with discussion

Purpose: We seek to care for our class members and grow in faith through study of the Bible.

Kindred Spirits
Meets in room B18, 55 and up

Class Format: Teacher-directed Bible studies with open discussion

Purpose: We are very focused on caring for class members through socials, outreach, and mission projects

Meets in room 241, couples and singles 50 and up

Class Format: Gifted teachers hold directed Bible study with discussion

Purpose: To grow in faith through Bible study, fellowship, serving, and caring for those in need. We love the Lord and support numerous ministries in our church, our community, and beyond.

Meets in room 208, 60s and up

Class Format: Bible study taught by a rotating schedule of teachers

Purpose: We seek to care for our class members and grow in faith through study of the Bible. We hold socials, quarterly breakfasts, and give to a variety of mission and outreach organizations.

Chapel Class
Meets in the chapel, couples and singles of all ages

Class format: Bible study taught by a rotating schedule of teachers

Purpose: We strive to learn more about the Old and New Testaments and how each of them is instructive for the Christian life.

T. Richard Davis
Meets in the parlor, couples and singles ages 50+

Class Format: Teacher-directed Bible study with discussion

Purpose: We seek for our class members to grow in faith through study and discussions. We support a variety of mission and outreach organizations.

Meets in room 205; any age single, married and parenting stages

Class Format: Teacher-directed Bible study with discussion

Purpose: Trying to center everything we do around engaging with our “Core Four”—participation in worship, Bible study, fellowship and service. You were meant for this. You belong here. Find your place, and journey with us to be all God has for you to be. 

Kellie Denton
Associate Pastor For Faith Formation